Missouri Fox Trotter breeed

Missouri Fox Trotter

The Missouri Fox Trotter is a breed of horse renowned for its supple and easy gait. It first came into the United States, specifically in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, in the late 19th century. The breed was created to meet the needs of farmers as well as ranchers who required a pliable and stable horse for a variety of tasks like managing cattle and traversing the rough terrain of Ozarks.

The most important traits for this Missouri Fox Trotter include:

Gentle Gaits The Fox Trotter is famous for its distinct and cosy gaits, including those known as the “fox trot.” The gait is a 4-beat broken diagonal gait where one’s front leg of the pair is placed prior to the hindfoot. This payoff in an easy, smooth glide which makes the ride more enjoyable for the cyclist.

Flexibility: Missouri Fox Trotters are versatile horses that can be used in different equestrian pursuits. They are commonly used for trails as well as pleasure riding and endurance riding because of their supple gait and stability.

Medium Building: The breed typically has a medium-sized build, which combines strength with agility. They have a strong, well-muscled body and a well-groomed head and a comparatively short back.

Friendly Temperament Missouri Fox Trotters are popular for their warm and peaceful temperament. They are described as easy and gentle to handle, which makes these animals appropriate for riders of various level of skill.

Color variations: This breed is available with a range of coat colors including chestnut, bay black, gray, and bay. The American Fox Trotter Horse Breeders Association (MFTHBA) is the group which registers and promotes the breed. They acknowledge the variety of colors.

Missouri Fox Trotter Health and Feeding


Regular Health Checkups for Veterinarians:

  • Regularly check-ups with your veterinarian to assess the general health of your horse’s overall health.
  • Be sure to keep up with the deworming and vaccination protocols advised by your veterinary doctor.

The Hoof:

  • Trim the hooves regularly to avoid problems such as lameness.
  • Examine for thrush-related signs or other hoof issues.

Dental Care:

  • Schedule regular dental checkups to ensure proper dental health.
  • Give access to quality forage and hay in order to promote healthy chewing and wear of the teeth.

Parasite Control:

  • Plan a deworming regimen with your doctor to prevent internal parasites.


  • Regularly exercise to ensure their mental and physical health.
  • Fox Trotters usually enjoy trails, which is an excellent method to keep them active and in good spirits.


  • Provide shelter for them to safeguard them from severe weather conditions.
Missouri Fox Trotter Health and Feeding


High-Quality Forage:

  • Access to high-quality grass or hay for the forage.
  • Fox Trotters, as well as the majority of horses, can benefit from a diet that is based on forage.

Balanced Diet:

  • Make sure you feed your horse a balanced commercial feed or supplement it with the suitable vitamins and minerals if you require.
  • Change the amount of feed depending on the horse’s weight, age and level of activity.


  • Make sure you have access to clean, drinking water that is always fresh and clean.
  • Check your consumption of water, as insufficient water intake could cause health problems.

The Monitor’s Body Condition

  • Examine the horse’s body health to assure they’re keeping an appropriate weight.
  • Change the amounts of food that you are feeding according.

Limit Starches and Sugars:

  • Fox Trotters, as with many breeds of horses, could be vulnerable to metabolic disorders. Reduce the amount of starches and sugars in their diet to lower the possibility of problems like laminitis.

Feeds are Regularly Updated:

  • Create a consistent eating schedule to help promote digestion health.
  • Avoid abrupt changes in your the diet, since this could result in digestive problems.

Missouri Fox Grooming and Trotter Care



  • Every now and then, brush the coat of your Fox Trotter to take away dirt, debris and hair that is loose.
  • Use gentle brushes for your delicate areas of the face, and a firmer brush for your body.

Hair and Tail Care

  • Comb and untangle the tail and mane frequently to avoid matting.
  • Make use of a detangler or conditioner to make combing more easy.


  • Wash your horse as often as you need to However, avoid overly washing as it may take away natural oils from your coat.
  • Make use of a horse-friendly shampoo, and wash thoroughly.

The Hoof:

  • Regularly clean the hooves to get rid of dirt and other debris.
  • Regularly trim your hoofs by a farrier in order to ensure good hoof health.

Eyes, Ears:

  • Make sure to clean and wash the ears often, and especially in the case of a buildup of wax or dirt.
  • Be on the lookout for eyes for any indications of discharge or irritation.

Dental Care

  • Schedule regular dental checkups to ensure proper dental health.
  • Give access to items for natural chewing which aids in the wear of teeth.

Living Environment:


  • Make sure you have shelter available to shield the Fox Trotter from the harsh weather conditions.
  • Make sure that there is adequate ventilation inside the shelter or barn.


  • Provide regular opportunities to exercise in a well-maintained and safe grassy area to exercise and socialize.


  • Ensure that you have access to clean and drinking water that is always fresh and clean.


  • Always check your horse’s health for symptoms of illness, injury or changes in behavior.
  • Take care of any problems immediately and consult with a veterinarian If needed.
Missouri Fox Trotter Care and Grooming



  • Access to high-quality grass or hay for food.
  • Check your body’s condition and modify the diet to suit your needs.

Balanced Diet:

  • Make sure you feed your horse a balanced commercial feed or supplement it with the proper vitamins and minerals when you require.
  • Change the amount of feed according to the horse’s weight, age and activity level.

Standard Feeding Schedule

  • Set a regular feeding schedule to help promote digestion health.
  • Avoid sudden changes in diet.


Regular Exercise:

  • Regularly exercise with activities like walking trails or lunging.
  • Fitness helps to keep you physically and mentally healthy.


  • Utilize positive reinforcement techniques for the training of your staff and for handling.
  • Include riding and groundwork exercises to keep your horse mentally engaged.


1. What is a Missouri Fox Trotter?

The Missouri Fox Trotter is a breed of horse renowned for its soft and comfy trots, and especially its “fox trot.”

2. What are the main features of a Missouri Fox Trotter?

The key characteristics are an easy trot gait that resembles a fox, a moderate build, a friendly temperament and flexibility. They are commonly employed to ride trails or pleasure riding as well as at horse shows.

3. How do you describe the Fox Trot?

The Fox trot is a 4-beat broken diagonal gait that occurs when one’s front leg of the pair comes prior to the hindfoot. This unique motion outcome in an easy, smooth motion that allows riding to be enjoyable for the horse as well as the the rider.

4. How tall will Missouri Fox Trotters normally get?

Missouri Fox Trotters generally have a range of 14-16 hands (56 to 64 inches) in height, however the horses of each horse may differ.

5. What colors are prevalent among Missouri Fox Trotters?

The breed is available in a variety of coat colors, such as black, bay, chestnut and gray. It is recognized by the American Fox Trotter Horse Breeders Association (MFTHBA) recognizes several different colors.

6. What are the different disciplines Missouri Fox Trotters utilized for?

They are versatile horses that are frequently used for the trails as well as enjoyment riding, endurance rides and show horses. Their easy strides make them popular among those who want to enjoy a relaxed ride.

7. What can I do to care for those hooves that belong to the Missouri Fox Trotter?

A regular hoof trim is vital. Plan regular trims by a farrier to ensure good hoof health. Keep the hooves clean to eliminate dirt and dust.

8. Can the Missouri Fox Trotters appropriate for novices?

Indeed, Missouri Fox Trotters are often praised for their sociable and peaceful temperament, which makes the animals appropriate for riders with different level of skill.

9. How do I teach to train a Missouri Fox Trotter?

Positive reinforcement is a great method to use when working with Fox Trotters. Training on the ground and a consistent, patient approach to training are the key to a happy and receptive horse.

10. Where can I apply to register to become a Missouri Fox Trotter?

The American Fox Trotter Horse Breeders Association (MFTHBA) is the body responsible for registering and advertising the breed. Contact them for details on the registration process and conditions.

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