Berger Picard Dog

Berger Picard

It is the Berger Picard, also known as the Picardy Shepherd or Picardly Shepherd is a herding dog which originated within the Picardy region in northern France. The breed is renowned for its distinct appearance and is distinguished by its wet, shaggy coat, upright ears and a vivacious and alert face.

Here are some of the most important characteristics and more information regarding Berger Picard. Berger Picard:

The appearance of Berger Picards are medium-sized to large-sized dogs that have an athletic and well-muscled build. They have a tough smooth, straight, and abrasive outer coat that is covered by an undercoat that is dense. The most popular coat colour is called fawn, with some red or gray tint. Additionally, they could wear a mask over their face.

Ears It is famous for its big expressive, natural straight ears. The ears sit up high over the heads and feature a an elongated, slightly rounded top.

Tail Tail of the Berger Picard is usually long and is carried low. It might be slightly curving in the very end.

Persona: Berger Picards are famous for their dedication, intelligence and versatility. They are generally friendly and affectionate, making great pets for families. Because of their instinct to herd They can be aloof or distant with strangers, however, they are not usually aggressive.

training: These dogs are smart and awe-inspiring and are therefore trainable. Socialization at an early age and obedience training are essential to warrant that they will develop into good-mannered companions.

Training: Being a herding breed, Berger Picards have high levels of energy and require regular exercising. They love outdoor activities and mentally stimulating activities, such as agility training or games that are interactive.

Health Berger Picards are generally healthy however, like any breed, they can be susceptible to certain health issues. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian and a balanced diet and keeping their coats clean are crucial aspects of their health care.

Berger Picard Health and Feeding


Berger Picards are generally a robust and healthy breed, but as with any dog, they could be susceptible to certain ailments. Breeding practices that are responsible can improve general health, but owners should be aware of possible issues and serve regular check-ups with their veterinarian.

Common health issues that concern Berger Picards may include:

Hip Dysplasia A condition in which the hip joint isn’t developed correctly, causing discomfort and arthritis.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): A set of genetic disorders which cause retina degeneration and can cause loss of vision.

canine epilepsy It is possible that seizures be caused by a variety of causes, including genetic causes.

Allergies Certain Berger Picards are susceptible to skin allergies. These may be triggered through environmental factors, food or parasites.

Bloat (Gastric Torsion): A potentially life-threatening illness in which the stomach fills up with gas and turns on itself.

To ensure the health of the Berger Picard, owners should offer additional regular exercise in addition to a balanced and nutritious diet, regular vet check-ups and focus on dental health. It is also essential to discuss any concerns regarding health with the breeder and adhere to their guidelines for preventive care.

Berger Picard Health and Feeding


The nutritional requirements of a Berger Picard may vary based on a variety of factors like size, age of the body, level of activity, and general health.

These are general rules on eating:

High-Quality Pet Foods: Choose a high-quality commercial dog food that is suitable to the dog’s size, age and level of activity. Choose products that contain genuine meat being the main ingredient.

Food Schedule In general, adults Berger Picards are fed twice each day. Puppies may require more frequent meals.

Control of Portion: Pay attention to portions sizes to avoid feeding too much or not enough. Food amounts consumed can be adjusted according to your dog’s size and the level of activity.

Clean Water Make sure to impart access to clean, fresh water.

Avoid table scraps: While it may be tempting to share food from humans alongside your pup, it’s excellent to adhere to the balanced and nutritious dog food. Certain human foods are poisonous to dogs.

Watch Weight Be aware of the weight of your Berger Picard and modify your diet to suit. Obesity is a risk factor for many health issues.

Berger Picard Care and Grooming


The care of the health of a Berger Picard involves providing proper diet, exercise routine along with veterinary medical care and a focus on their mental health.

Here are some of the most important features that are essential to Berger Picard treatment:

Exercise Berger Picards are an intelligent and active breed that needs regular exercise. Playtime, walks every day, and mental stimulation with games such as puzzle toys and obedience classes are important for keeping them healthy and happy. healthy.

Education: Early socialization and obedience training are essential in Berger Picards. They are smart and generally do well with positive reinforcement methods. A consistent and positive approach to education will benefit them to become well-behaved pets.

Regular Visits to the Veterinarian: Schedule regular check-ups with a doctor to assess the health of your Berger Picard. make sure you have updated vaccinations and address any issues promptly.

The diet: Provide a balanced and healthy diet appropriate for the person’s size, age and activity level. Be aware of portion control to avoid obesity.

Dental Health: Regular dental care is vital to maintain good dental health. Make sure your dog’s teeth are cleaned regularly and give chewing gum or other toys to benefit lower tartar and plaque buildup.

Berger Picard Care and Grooming


Berger Picards have a distinctive coat that requires frequent grooming to ensure they look their accurate.

These are grooming tricks:

The coat It is the Berger Picard comes with a double coat, which includes an aggressive, straight, and stiff outer coat as well as an undercoat that is dense. They shed in the winter and more frequent brushing could be required during these seasons to get rid of hair that is loose. A slicker brush or grooming rake could benefit to manage their coat.

Bathing Cleanse your Berger Picard when needed, generally when they are filthy or smelly. Make sure to use a pet-friendly shampoo and be sure to dry them well afterwards, especially during colder temperatures.

Ears Examine their ears frequently for evidence of an infection or buildup. Clean the ears with a veterinarian-recommended ear-cleaning solution if necessary.

Nails Cut your pet’s nails frequently to avoid overgrowth. Nails that are long can cause discomfort for your dog and can cause problems with posture and gait.

Dental: Like we mentioned previously you should brush your dog’s tooth frequently to prevent dental problems.

All-Over Examination: Regularly check your Berger Picard for any signs of skin conditions bumps, lumps, or other irregularities. The early detection of health issues is essential to prompting veterinary intervention.


Q What is the story behind the creation for the Berger Picard?

1. The Berger Picard is a French herding dog breed which originated within the Picardy region in northern France. They’ve a long history of being used for herding and farm dogs.

Q What is the personality of Berger Picards?

Answer: Berger Picards are known for their dedication, intelligence and adaptability. They are generally gentle, and lovable, and are wonderful pets for families. They are able to be shy around strangers however they aren’t usually aggressive.

Q How much training will Berger Picards need?

Answer: Berger Picards are an active breed that needs regular exercising. Regular walks, playtime as well as mental stimulation through activities such as agility training and interactive games are essential to keep their minds and bodies active.

Q What is the perfect way to handle Berger Picards good with children as well as others pets?

A Absolutely, Berger Picards are generally well-behaved with children and create strong bonds with their family members. It is essential to socialize them early in order to assure they are able to get along with other pets.

Q: How do I groom a Berger Picard?

A: Berger Picards have a distinct double coat that needs regular grooming. Cleanse their coats to remove hair that has fallen out and wash them as often as they need to and be attentive to the cleaning of their ears, dental care as well as nail trimming. Regular grooming can help keep their overall health in check and maintains their appearance.

Q Is it possible to train Berger Picards simple to learn?

A Sure, Berger Picards are intelligent and love to please, which makes them quite easy to train. Positive reinforcement methods and early socialization aid in their well-behavedness.

Q Are Berger Picards suffer from any health problems that are common to all?

A: Although Berger Picards are generally a healthy breed, they can be susceptible to ailments like hip dysplasia, the progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) as well as epilepsy in dogs, allergies and Bloat. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian and a balanced lifestyle could benefit to manage their health.

Q What is the typical life span of an Berger Picard?

A: The life expectancy of an Berger Picard is typically around 12-14 years old, however, individual dogs can differ.

Q: Are Berger Picards good guard dogs?

Answer: Berger Picards can be vigilant and secure, making them excellent watchdogs. They aren’t well-known for their aggressive nature and socialization with them is crucial to assure they are able to handle various situations.

Q Where can I find an reputable Berger Picard breeder?

A: To locate an established Berger Picard breeder, you can reach out to national breed clubs and dog shows and ask recommendations from vets or dog owners in your area. The breeders with good reputations are focused on the health and wellbeing of their dogs and are committed to ethical breeding methods.

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